Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Should the Egyptian Revolution Have Happened Research Paper

Should the Egyptian Revolution Have Happened - Research Paper Example A_ Administrative corruption B _Financial corruption C _ Political corruption Alhaydar1 Should the revolution in Egypt have happened? Revolution means changing. People do revolution because they gave up from their government. When people become extremely upset from their government, they do revolution. Even though, the governments are strong, the revolution will happen. There are many revolution have happened, and all of it were successful. Revolutions are the thing that can take out the governments. Most Egyptian people thought Hosni Mubarak will not go, and he has power that can suppress any revolution. Although, they were looking at him as holy person, and no one can said no to him. Howe ever, Egyptian citizen couldn’t be silent. The 2011 revolution in Egypt was necessary because of: social discrimination, poverty, restricted freedom, and corruption. Social discrimination is the worst thing in Egypt. Since husny mobark became a president in 1981, Egypt had the social discri mination. There were many kinds of discrimination that happened in Egypt. First kind of discrimination is against everyone who isn’t with national party. The national party is the husnay Mubarak party. Husnay make this party to support him to stay president. Also husnay support them to be rich and have high positions. To clarify, the whole ministers in Egypt are from the national party, and the most members of the Egyptian parliament are from the national party. In 1995 the national party got almost 70% of the seats in the parliament (New York Times).Also, all Major business deals, they have it because they have the decisions and they are partners. For example, Alaa mobarke, the son of the president husnay have a lot of companies with Alhaydar 2 Ahmad AZ who is member in the national party. They have a lot of companies in different sectors. No one can win business deal if these two want the deal. In addition; people are not the same in Egypt. In Egypt they were put the people who are related to the national party in high position, and they prefer them on the people who have degree and that because they don’t want someone don’t like Instrumentality. Education and health is the other kind of social discrimination. In Egypt, the good majors like engineering and medical is not available for every one because they choose the high class sons and they give them that without any Control or legal auditing because their fathers have the decision and they don’t want the normal people become like them. In the health, if the person is not important person, they might let him sleep in corridor because they don’t care about the people live. They have to wait for months just for appointment with doctor. Next, even with the huge number of revenue, the poverty is popular in Egypt. In Egypt is really common that children are asking for money because their parents can’t have enough money to feed them. Also the number of Crimes of theft is high because it is the only solution for them to stay in life. The Egyptian people spend for whole day what another people spend it for cup of coffee .two dollars is what the half of people in Egypt live in (Reske) . In addition, there people who live under the poverty line. The people who live under poverty line means they depended on people to give them what they need, and the number of the people who live under the poverty line is really huge. Moreover, the rate of inflation in Egypt is growing. That means the people who are

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Annotated Bibliography& Academic Criticism Research Paper

Annotated Bibliography& Academic Criticism - Research Paper Example Such well-constructed annotations make all the difference when they are attached to a scholarly research paper. The skills required for such concise exposition has to be developed in a measured manner. A well-chosen annotated bibliography can raise the value of the research work and inform the reader of its reliability at the same time. Developing annotated biography demands greater intellectual and analytical skills. In order to achieve such skills of the higher order, greater efforts are needed and working on annotated bibliography equip the researcher with such finer skills besides familiarising them with formatting and other such aspects of creating annotated bibliography. In brief, the paper aims at developing the appropriate skills required to construct annotated bibliography which is well-directed, without compromising the refinement that it demands. Introduction The feedback received from peers and tutor can be summarised as below. The format of an annotated bibliography is s ignificant and its concise style holds the key. It has to be pithy and condensed. A forceful and uninterrupted progression of the thought stripped of all the details is an essential ingredient. Furthermore, a lucid style can retain the interest of the reader and convey the message or theme straightaway. It is worthwhile to keep in mind that the reader has greater importance than anybody else and therefore a narrative style that focuses on the theme and interest the reader has to be maintained throughout. Next up, the annotation must present the central argument vividly and convincingly. Listing the content is not the task on hand; the central recurring theme and the authority of the author are to be established beyond any doubt. It is always good to appraise and analyse the source content critically and evaluate its merit commenting on the author’s approach and way of presentation. In short, annotations are critical, concise and evaluative. Ebegbulem, J. C.(11June 2012).Corru ption and leadership crisis in Africa: Nigeria in focus. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3 (11): 221-227. The paper by Ebogbulem throws light on the rampant corruption and inept leadership that plague post-independent Africa especially Nigeria. A country rich in natural resources bear the brunt of illiteracy, unemployment, malnutrition and poverty. Ebegbulem (2012) discuses in detail the factors that have contributed to the present crisis in Nigeria, that has brought democracy and economic growth to a standstill. Economic mismanagement and fraudulent misappropriation by people in power has spelled economic disaster, causing abject poverty for the people. The author further argues that the leadership crisis has been triggered by corruption. The paper categorically states that the leadership, both democratic and military, has ever inflicted untold miseries on the Nigerians, robbing public wealth. Ebegbulem goes on to examine how the democratic stability and econo mic growth are affected when corruption and its resultant bad governance strikes. Ebegbulem concludes that a strong leadership committed to the welfare of the people alone can reverse the trend. In the context of Nigeria the author drives home the point that corruption and bad governance destabilising the democracy and economy are entwined. The paper brings into limelight the stark realities haunting Nigeria. The narrative style is straightforward and objective. Obo,U. B &Obo E. B. (7 July 2013). Public Policies and the Crisis of Underdevelopment in Nigeria: A Critical